All You Need to Know About Teething

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Your baby’s first teeth won’t just appear smoothly and suddenly. They will come with a whole phase of fussiness that even the calmest and sweetest baby will not be spared. Teething is a significant milestone for every infant, and even though it shows that growth is taking place normally, it is one that every parent needs to get ready for.


Teething comes at different times for all babies. In most cases, it starts anytime between the third month and the first birthday. For others, it comes as early as at two months old while others may get their first teeth well past their first year. In a standard case, however, your baby should start showing some in the sixth month.


Most babies go through a whole set of symptoms when they begin to teeth. Few show little or no signs and pass this stage quite smoothly. The latter can be considered to be lucky as the symptoms can be quite excruciating. This is made worse by the fact that the baby does not understand why they wake up feeling so much pain in their mouths, and it is up to the parent to observe and understand what is happening. These symptoms include:

  1. Drooling

This is the most common sign that your baby is finally growing some teeth. Babies usually drool even from birth, but you will notice that the fluid increases significantly from around the tenth week to the fourth or fifth month.

It is not exactly pleasant to have to change your baby’s shirts every hour or so. You could tie a bib or smooth cloth around them to absorb the saliva. Also, wipe them regularly to prevent chapping.

  1. Gag reflex and coughing

With so much saliva in her mouth, the baby is bound to choke or gag. If they do hold them upright and wipe and drool coming from their mouth. There is no need to worry if there are no symptoms of a cold or flu.

  • Crying and fussiness

When teething begins, the baby will feel much pain from the tender gums and sore mouth, and they will be sure to let you know it. They, however, get used to it with time and stop crying.

  1. Biting

The growing teeth come with much discomfort, and the baby will naturally tend to relieve it by biting or chewing on the first thing they can get their hands on.


Here are some solutions that will ease the pain and discomfort:

  1. Chewy rings and soft toys
  2. Counterpressure with a clean finger or a soft wet toothbrush.
  • A cold drink to numb the gums and ease the pain
  1. Cold foods such as fruits, yoghurts and blended juices.
  2. Use of some pain relievers (only after consulting with a paediatrician)

Conclusively, teething is neither easy for the mother nor the baby. You should watch out for these symptoms so that you can take appropriate measures to relieve your baby of the pain. A simple thing to remember is that babies grow quickly and whether you are looking for girl boutique clothes clearance items or teething equipment, you are supported at trusted online retailers like Bubs Baby shop.


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